Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Maternity wear life savers!

Topshop Maternity 'Leigh' Jeans 

The Topshop Leighs are my non pregnancy favourites I have four pairs that I wear on a constant rotation so I was over the moon to find out that they did a maternity version, exactly the same but with the belly band rather than the zip and button, I think I prefer the band option for non pregnancy as well it's just so much comfier who needs buttons??? They come in a variety of colours and most importantly leg lengths which is great especially when you are 5"2' and they are cotton rather than stiff denim which makes them more of a sturdy jegging than a jean great for warmer weather and so, so comfortable! I wore my pre pregnancy size up until 36 weeks and then bought the size up to see me through to the end as the band was getting uncomfortable. I'm 5 weeks postpartum now (actually 9 weeks pp now this post has been sitting in draft for a while!) and still wearing the size 10 pair although the 12's came in handy a couple of days ago when I made the rookie mistake of sitting a naked Finn on my lap and he decided it was the perfect place to poo! haha!

H&M longline vests

I will be forever grateful to H&M for the existence of these vests! I was lucky enough to discover these early on in my pregnancy and for £3.99 each I stocked up on every single colour at minimal expense. I wore size large in these all the way through my pregnancy (I'm a size 10 usually) I either wore them alone or underneath non maternity tops for guaranteed bump coverage, unlike other vest tops that I have they never rode up exposing the bottom half of my tummy, they just seemed to adapt to my bump and accommodate it leaving me comfortable and never without a back up top at every stage of pregnancy. maxi dresses

I love shopping on boohoo it's so affordable and although I have had a few crappy items from them in the past, overall I'm a really big fan! They actually don't have a maternity range which is a shame but I found the maxi dresses worked really well if I got the next size up and ended up with three towards the end of my pregnancy that will also still fit postpartum due to the stretchy material so I don't feel like I have wasted money. It's worth knowing that I probably ordered 6 or 7 in total and had to send a few back as they made me look like a potato but returns are free and they refund you nice and quickly.


Who doesn't love a good rummage around Primark? To be honest I didn't get too much from here during my pregnancy but it's definitely worth having a look for inexpensive sized up items to add to your pregnancy wardrobe that you wont really care about not fitting afterwards I got a couple of size 14 tops that I wore a lot I also picked up some maternity bra's that were pretty decent and I found some great things for my hospital bag (fluffy socks, dressing gown, skincare mini kit etc.)


I spent hours browsing the maternity wear on here during pregnancy, however I only bought a pair of maternity work trousers (which were crap !) and a pair of jeans which were way too long, to be fair the range of brands is huge and they have some gorgeous items so my experience shouldn't reflect badly on them at all, it wasn't the reason I didn't make another order I just found it kind of expensive and there wasn't anything i wanted badly enough to part me with my cash (Im not actually tight I promise ;)) definitely worth a browse though!!

Now that I'm a couple of months post pregnancy I'm happy that I didn't spend a fortune on maternity wear and that I picked up some good staple pieces that I am still able to wear in an 'oversized' fashion and don't care too much if they end up covered in poo and milk....#glamlifeofamummy ;)

What are your maternity wear must haves?